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These are Rectify Series drop-in speaker systems for Athearn RTR SW1000/1500 locomotives.


The AHRR-1500 speaker is for the pre-sound versions and uses the front PCB mounting screw. The only modifications required are to nip-off three little unused plastic nubs on the inside of the shell. Room is provided for front lighting. Decoder installation is simple with a Nix Trainz Decoder Buddy (available here and 21-pin decoder or by hardwiring a decoder.


An insallation guide is available under the "Guides" tab or here:


The AHRR-15X2-RC1 speaker is for current-run sound-equipped models and simply replaces the stock speaker but with greatly improved fullness and detail. NOTE: the DCC-Ready models I have seen do not come with a dummy weight or enclosure and have no mounting-screws. The screw size is M1.6x4 if you have or would like to source them yourself. You can also add a pair of screws for $1 if you need me to supply them.


The speakers come fully assembled and tested.



AHRR-1500-RC1: 8mmH x 17mmW x 26mmL

AHRR-15V2-RC1: 10mmH x 17mmW x 22mmL



LokSound Select:

LokSound 5:



Athearn RTR SW1000/1500

SKU: AHRR-1500-RC1
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